Welcome to the Neighborhood!

The Heights Park Neighborhood Association (H.P.N.A.) is an organization created by the residents of the Heights Park area of Richardson, Texas, to promote communication and cohesiveness throughout the neighborhood. The Heights Park Neighborhood Association brings together neighbors to preserve and enhance the quality of life in our community. We promote safety, an attractive appearance, a family atmosphere and community pride.

The Heights Park neighborhood is located in the northwest area of Richardson, bordered on the north and south by Arapaho Road and Belt Line Road and on the east and west by Custer Road and Thompson Drive. (See map under “Our Boundaries”.)

Our Purpose

  • To promote safety through an active neighborhood crime watch program.

  • To maintain and enhance the appearance of the neighborhood and of Heights Park to keep it an enjoyable investment for families.

  • To represent neighborhood interests in matters affecting our neighborhood..

  • To encourage community pride in our neighborhood by providing a forum for neighborhood activities.

  • Read the complete Bylaws.

  • View the Heights Park Neighborhood Association Board