Thank you to Bruce Miller Nurseries for their continued support of Heights Park Neighborhood Association Yard of The Month!

December 2024
Decorated Yard of the Month

100 North Weatherred


  • October 2024

    625 Lockwood

    Wow !!! What an honor.
    We moved to the neighborhood 13 years ago and we were very lucky to inherit most of the bushes in our landscape ; although our grass at the time was not present It took us a while to figure out what we needed to do, we had to learn what perennials and annuals were going to work out better for our yard and specially to survive the scorching summer! 
    Gardening is an activity that we enjoy so much. Being outside with our kiddos and having a nice place for them to play was instrumental for us.
    We are very thankful of winning Yard of the Month. We want the best for this beautiful neighborhood  we call home.

    Thank y’all so much!
    The Taylor Family. 

  • September 2024

    804 Floyd

    We have lived in this home for 45 years.  We were fortunate to inherit what was already a beautiful yard, but it was different from the way it is now.  There were more trees than we now have, but as the trees grew, it became necessary to eliminate two of them in order to protect the grass.  Sadly, a few years ago a magnificent oak tree near the driveway at the north corner of the house fell over while we were out of town.  After the removal of the tree, we had to do something to replace it—hence the large flower bed on the north side of the yard.  After all these years, we have quite a variety of annuals and shrubs and are grateful that the recent storm spared our magnolia and oak trees. Time spent “digging in the dirt” and greeting folks as they walk by provide rewarding activity.  Many thanks for all you do to encourage the creation of beautiful lawns and flower beds in our community!  

    Gay Lynn and John Millerman

  • August 2024

    714 Northill Drive

    How delightful to receive the Yard of the Month!!! WOW!!!  What an encouraging and wonderful honor that neighbors enjoy our yard.  Gardening is a passion that brings me much joy.   Being raised a farm girl, I love to be outside puttering around, watering, fertilizing, observing, planning, designing and dreaming of new plants to try.  Once in a gardening store, it’s hard to get me out without an armful of new things to try.

    Life can have its challenges so it’s especially fulfilling that my little spot of color brings neighbors’ joy

    With a grateful heart,

    Bob & Cindy Clatt

Nominate a yard.

Is your yard a source a pride? A work of art? A labor of love? It’s time to receive some formal recognition for all those hours of digging, clipping and planting.

The HPNA Yard of the Month contest is for all residents of Heights Park Neighborhood. Nominations are due by the 20th of each month. Nominations received by the deadline will be considered for the next month’s YOM. Nominations received after that will be considered in the next cycle.

Visit this site each month to see photos of the best yards in our neighborhood. View the Contest Rules here.