Heights Park Neighborhood Association Board
Jeff Davis, President
Jeff has lived in Richardson for 33 years and in Heights Park for the last 27. Raised in Massachusetts, he received his B.F.A. from Rochester Institute of Technology in Rochester, NY, and moved to Dallas to pursue photography. He has been shooting ever since and 30 years ago acquired his own photography studio near downtown Dallas. He has shot a wide range of things but currently focuses on architectural as well as advertising and magazine work. He is a Past Master and member of the Richardson Masonic Lodge. He loves woodworking and uses his love for personal home projects and home rehabs right here in Richardson. He and his wife, Bonnie, have lived on Gentle Drive since 1995.
Duties: The President presides at all meetings of the Board all activities of the Association. The President also is a member of and oversees all committees and administers the organization of the Heights Park Neighborhood Association Board of Directors.
Karen Love, Secretary
Karen grew up on the beaches of NW Florida as the daughter of a USAF fighter pilot and his wife. After graduating from University of West Florida, she moved around from NYC, Dallas and Los Angeles where she worked on game shows such as Wheel of Fortune and Jeopardy! Karen moved back to Dallas in 2015 to be closer to family. She purchased her house in Heights Park in June 2020.
Duties: The Secretary keeps minutes of all meetings and work of the Association.
Chris Sliijk, Treasurer
Chris is a recent transplant to Richardson but has lived in the D-FW Metroplex since 2018. He grew up in Southern California, and after receiving a degree in economics from Cornell University got to Texas as soon as he could. He has worked in the banking and finance sector and is currently an economist in the transportation and electric power industries. He is a Certified Business Economist and member of the National Association for Business Economics.
Duties The Treasurer collects all Monies due the Association and pays all bills incurred as well as tracking our bank accounts.
Bonnie Kudlicki, Publications/Design Chair
Bonnie’s family relocated from Chicago to Richardson in 1970. Her parents were the second owners of the home they purchased for the family on Gentle Drive. Now she and her husband Jeff live in that home along with their furry friends, Kady Bird and Lyndon. Bonnie attended Richardson High School. She has an Associates in Theatre and a B.F.A. in Graphic Design. She worked in television production and marketing design for corporate event production and now does freelance design. Her passion is performing arts, especially dance and theatre. Leisure time activities include yoga, volunteer work, acting and organic gardening.
Duties: This Chair designs, writes, oversees submissions then publishes HPNA’s bi-annual newsletter. This position also designs and writes copy for graphic material related to meeting and social event advertisement.
Lindsey Rolfe Gonzales, Communications Chair
When Lindsey and her husband, Marvin, were planning to move back to the DFW area, she dreamed of living in Heights Park. God answered that prayer with a “yes!” in the summer of 2020. As a military brat, Lindsey was born in Frankfurt, Germany and has lived in Colorado, Hawaii, Kentucky, Florida, Germany, South Carolina, and Tennessee, besides Texas. She has had an eclectic career with favorite jobs working on Disney Cruise Line, as radio host/DJ, and for the USO at DFW airport. Lindsey and Marvin love Richardson and spending time with their two daughters at our city parks, especially our Heights Park namesake. Her favorite part of our neighborhood is the majestic trees.
Duties:: The Communication Chair is in charge of all social media campaigns as well as e-mail communications. Tasked with keeping the neighborhood informed of all things Heights park.
Dan Washburn, Membership Committee
Dan grew up in Fort Worth Texas, attended Texas Tech University and has been a Heights Park resident/homeowner for 16 years. He has been a residential real estate agent for over 20 years and started his own independent brokerage in 2016. Dan has a grown son who attended our local RISD schools and is now a professional musician living in L.A. An avid traveler, Dan enjoys scuba diving & beach time. At home you’ll see him walking his two Labrador Retrievers around Heights Park.
Duties: The Membership Committee assists in all things membership and leads efforts iin gaining new members and retaining current members
Mark Hoefle, Membership, Safety Chair
Mark has lived in Texas for 36 years, and in Richardson for 12 years. Originally from Canada, he Received a B.Sc. degree in Education from Montana State University, and M.A. degree in HR Development from Webster University in St. Louis. His career as teacher, principal, and district administrator morphed into IT training development for a global internet security company in the 15 years before he retired. He also served as an officer in the Texas State Guard - Military Police. He and his wife, Judi, love their friendly neighborhood, and their 1950's home on Lockwood Drive.
Safety Chair Duties: The purpose of this role is to promote neighborhood awareness of the Crime Watch Program, keep the board informed of crime statistics, and work with city officials/police to reduce crime.
Membership Chair Duties: This Chair is tasked with growing HPNA’s membership base, maintaining a current and accurate membership list, working with Treasurer to capture and update member records along with verification of dues received.
Judi Hoefle, Environmental Chair
Judi has lived in Richardson for 12 years. She Received a B.Sc. degree in Education from Montana State University, and has been a teacher at almost every level from kindergarten through University. Now retired, she enjoys reading, doing crafts with two granddaughters, and keeping fit with water aerobics classes. She and her husband, Mark, love their friendly neighborhood, and their 1950's home on Lockwood Drive.
Duties: This role will oversee projects for the improvement and beautification of our neighborhood (ie. Yard of the Month Program, neighborhood entrance signs, etc.)
Civic Chair
Currently Open
Duties: Our Civics Chair observes meetings of governmental bodies (City Council and City Planning Commission) alerting the Board to items that merit attention by the Association.
Events Chair
Currently Open
Duties: This position recommends and heads up the planning of all social functions (ie. Food Truck Friday, The Heights of Summer, Oktoberfest, Stroll and Sing Caroling).
Currently Open
Duties: The Vice President fulfills the duties of the President in the President’s absence or inability to serve as well as performs other duties requested by the President or the Board.